Friday, March 17, 2006

Fang Unleashed

if you don't know why it's called FANG, you're not paying attention! Not to take away from the very important announcement below about Kahana ... but I felt the site needed some happy news. So I'll share these picks from a really nice flight that Don and Bob had.

We arrived in Auckland midday, then drove to a spot about 40 minutes SW of Auckland. Don knew the site well as he had had several epic flights here with the locals in the days before the rest of us arrived. This particular day we waited around, milled about, explored different sites, waited for locals to show, waited for the wind to turn, had lunch, waited for the wind to lighten up. Finally, we decided to hike up to check out a particular launch. Don and Bob brought their wings. I was skeptical. It was a short hike, so I opted to return for my wing if the conditions were right.

I sure was glad I hiked up (sans wing). Winds were pretty strong, gusting in the high 20's, but the terrain was beautiful. Grassy slopes on top of a black sand dune. Miles of beach as far as the eye could see.

Don and Bob way out over New Zealand waters Don brought out his new wing, "Fang", and even his sure hands struggled a bit in the high winds. But soon he was off, and going up fast. While he speed-barred out toward the water, Bob set up and soon joined him. They both stayed out high above the water, finding lift nearly all the way down the beach back to land by the waiting car. They should tell you more about how awesome it was, because I had to settle for a "flight" running along dune-top grassy cow trails trying to catch up with them.

Don on approach to landNow don't forget to read the very important message about Kahana below ...


Alex said...

Welcome home, Sandy. Those are amazing pictures. I'd like to see the full size versions! I saw a few of Don's pictures from that site already, and it looks beautiful. He says you can go a long way down the coast but it's super remote and risky if the tide comes in before you get a retrieve.

paliglydr said...

Yes, welcome back. What site was that, Karioitahi Beach?

firedave said...

How far is this site from Piha? I used to surf, ride bike and drink beer out that way in the pre-PG days.

sandy said...

You are correct Paliglydr, sir!

paliglydr said...

Cool. Looked like it. I was privileged to fly there in early 2004, winds westerly 11-14. It is a spectacular place. I'm sorry it was a bit strong for you, June. But hey, at least ol' Fang was not to be denied! And Bob of course. Thanks for the great pics and article!