Bring the wife, kids, friends and family and celebrate a day of all things flying. Don't forget the sunscreen, chairs, coolers, snacks and sense of humor.
This year's events include:
1) Max Altitude. (Vario or GPS required, no futzing around!)
2) Downwind XC Race: Distance or declared goal (11am or so).
3) Spot Landing (with optional Bomb Drop).
LAUGHS: Guaranteed!
We will make updates on day or location as needed here.
Comments or assistance can be sent to Alex (223-0144) or Dave (382-0568), or posted here or on the chatterbox.
Be there!
we have left overs from the meeting. Thanks for all the contributions! I'll bring the grill and the meat!
I really like the idea of a triathlon format. How about this: starting at the beach at Kahana, we'll hike up and fly to the beach park in Hauula, where we'll hop on a mountain bike to traverse one of the Hauula loop trails, returning to the Hauula beach park to launch a kayak bound for the beach at Kahana.
On the other hand, that sounds like way too much work.
For the bomb drop this year I think we should anchor a bigger raft offshore than the octo-pool we used last year - that thing was an impossibly tiny target. Does anyone have a large inflatable kiddie pool to share? Nothing too fancy, since Fireman Dave is very likely to try and land in it...
Nice logo Alex. Someone ( not me) should make a t-shirt.
The weather from this far out is looking promising for a Kahana Sunday.
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