Friday, December 22, 2006

B-B-Q and A's & C's on The Island of Misfit Toys

Merry Christmas, Shalom Chanukah, Exultant Solstice, and “respect to any religious event that you acknowledge” . . . or, if you are atheistic . . . I hope you are doing well.

Anyway . . . here on “The Island of Misfit Toys,” there are a bunch of folks that will not be spending Monday, 25 December 2006 with our families (our “biological" families anyways.) However, we all have the day-off.

There are also a bunch of families that plan to spend at least a portion of the day at the beach.

Hillery and I thought we would invite EVERYONE out to the LZ (which ever LZ is working) for an HPA Christmas in Hawaii Fly-in. (Weather permitting . . . of course.)

I would like to invite all tandem instructors to bring their wings and give the gift of Discovery Flights to the non-flying friends and family members of the flying community.

I will bring my big grill and grill tools . . . we can all bring meat!! Pot-Luck Kine for side dishes.

Please, add comments to say if you can come & what you’d like to bring. If you are having trouble leaving comments (I know I ALWAYS have problems with that), feel free to call me and I will keep track.

Also, if you are a T-3, let us know if you will be bringing you tandem rig. I will certainly bring mine.

Ho Ho Ho


Gravity said...

I'll be there Santa Claus... wherever 'there' is?


firedave said...

I will be keeping the island safe of wayward paragliders, aka working at the fire station. Have fun at Makapuu.

Nick said...


I can show up around 2-3pm! mit Meat!


Anonymous said...

hawker 13 wants to show up I'll bring bacon mushrooms' and some meat merry christmas.