The windspeed from school side seemed a bit brisk, so we opted to wait for some more adventurous spirits to show the way. Doug came along and launched nicely into some strong, straight up, thermic action. Within 10 minutes or so, he was already reporting being up around 4000 feet! As he headed off to the North, visitor Jason launched next. He was followed by Joey, Scrappy, myself, Ray, and Brian.
Jason and Doug continued out toward the North, with Doug checking in with reports now and then: "I'm out over Makaha valley workin' the bowl" and "I'm at the end of the road thinkin' about jumpin' over to the parachuting LZ out in Mokuleia"; Jason, meanwhile, was out there chasing Doug down the range. The rest of us seemed to be content with staying in the local area. Joey and Scrappy headed to the beach. Ray followed suit and then Brian too.
I decided to land at the more traditional LZ - in the baseball field over by the school. For me, this was the strongest, bumpiest day I've flown to date. I definitely "upped" my bump tolerance today. Thanks to everyone out there for the encouragement. I really learned a lot today!
What about me? I limped up and launched and had a great flight...
Most definitely `Nana-Schoolie`...What a great day to get some big, nasty thermal training. I learned sooo much today about active piloting and coring, etc...What an experience!!!....Aloha, Joey :)
be proud of yourselves!!!
Brazilian Ray
Sorry Scrappy - I did put you heading out to the beach with Joey, and you and him are in the only pic I took - just forgot to mention your launch in my excitement.
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