In case you haven't heard, the Hoffman family: Doug, Caroline, Kaile, Noah and Matt are leaving cold, wet Hawaii for the warm and sunny shores of Washington state. On Sunday January 18th, we will be at the LZ at Makapuu to give a big Aloha to the Hoffman family. We will be starting around noon, flying and playing at the beach. We want all tandem pilots to bring their tandem gear and be ready to fly. We welcome everybody: kids, pets, wives, girlfriends, even wives girlfriends.
We will be flying and beaching all afternoon, and as evening approaches we plan to start up a barbeque/potluck. So bring something to share if you can, but remember, your presence is mandatory, the victuals are optional. Bring a story, bring a joke and plan on spending an afternoon doing what we do best, at one of our favorite places on the island. See you there!
firedave where was the pic taken?
Tim, I believe it is the top of Koko Crater, hiking the rail on the south side, great place to take pictures, you should head up there, my daughter and I performed the hike a few days ago. Great Time.
Tim, See the following link, it has MPU and Koko Hike mixed but you'll get the picture.
Okay so that's the steel grates on the platform at the top of Koko Crater? I've done the walk. I couldn't place the background.
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