Hiked up to mid launch with Jim and Kona John. It was light but I planned on having a sled ride for my first one just to build up some launch & lands. John took off, tried for a bit and then headed for the beach. Jim gave me an assist at launch, thanks for that, had a good take off and headed for the beach. Perfect. Jim went up to the clouds.
After a quick repack I hiked up again with Ray and Nightshift, NO it was not dark. We heard from Jeff at high launch, gave us a wind briefing and then the really bad news, he forgot his HD camera. Jeff got off but scratched for a while to go join Jim in the white room, call sign change to McCloud.
We were joined by Kona John so 4 of us were now in para-wait. The shocker was to see Nightshift's wing layed out in daylight. He pulled up and out, in the daylight, next Kona John launched, then both top landed, damn, I didn't want another sledder. Ray took off, sledded to the beach to be air traffic controller for me and to meet with another student.
I waited and then TGIF. Up and off, I had to work at it and had Nightshift and Kona John yelling up directions to find lift. I took their advice and was up and gone, 1400 feet, oh ya baby, I am hooked. They both joined me. It was great to see gliders below me for the first time, my other flights I was too focused. I was fairly relaxed, the air was like butter but I managed to find a few bumps, well bumps to me anyway.
It was my first time with as many wings in the air, One-eye Jim, Jeff (McCloud), Kona John and Nightshift. A few first time things for me, the bumps, 1400 feet, run from a squall, use big ears (well little ears) a few mild 360's and then another landing.
Ray and I went to help Jeff with a jump start and then the rain hit, I booked back to the beach and Jim had already packed my gear. Thanks Jim.
O dark thirty had come, I made the call home and Donna said bring 'em all over. So enjoyed dinner and drinks with Ray, Jim, Kona John, Nightshift and my ohana. It was great to finally be part of the flying stories.
Jim stayed on and we had a relaxing breakfast, looked at the weather and we both agreed: good thing we got that flight in.
Having withdrawals. Hope I can get some more Sky-alis soon.
Thanks again Ray for the helmet talk. You make me look good, well flying that is.
Many Mahalos
Great writeup, Thom! I am so happy to finally see you flying with us now, and I'm also really gratified to see you taking the time to post your flight reports! Even though you've been around us forever, you're taking baby steps now up in the air, and it's nice for us crusty old timers to hear your fresh perspective on that experience. Keep it up!
Thanks Alex I will try that one was late nite typing, thanks for the font edit.
I tried to upload a photo too it may come through this a.m.
Thom, I found the photo but it didn't seem to be related to your article - I just linked it in there for you. And I only found the thumbnail size. Was there a larger version? If so, e-mail it to me and I'll post it and set the thumbnail to link to it.
Thom, you are very welcome and you are doing great!
get a flickr account for your photos: http://www.flickr.com/
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