Don & I arrived to see 2 PG's in the air and a few on launch. We scurried up the hill. Don launched and had a great flight and again an Iwa bird came right next to his lines, he got a picture this time, I yelled up "Say, Hi to Bob for me!". I had some issues at mid launch and was coaxed to low. Moved to low launch, got up not in my seat but up, waited till what I thought was a good elevation to adjust and get into the seat, sunk out, scratched no good and yes, I side hilled. I would like to call it a landing because I picked out the spot and landed very nicely.
While balling up, word came over the radio that Maile, my daredevil daughter, was coming up with Dave to tandem. I thought great, I am here, her Uncle Donny is here and then monkeys were buzzing down from the sky to top land to witness this event. The future of the "Flying Monkeys" appears to be in the hands of the present female pilots and future female pilots. Lani, Dave's girl, has approximately 9 tandem flights, Maile's first was today and Bon Bon well she carved her name in the Monkey Barrel today.
Maile had her first Tandem flight today with Fireman Dave at the helm. She did not flinch at take off and was way too eager to get out over the bay for some spirals, but on her way, she came in above me and actually walked on my wing. The picture accompanying this story was taken just before - when I started seeing little indents on my wing, I dropped the camera.
She had a great flight and during the spiral was pointing out turtles in the bay, not even phased by the "g's". They landed and she is now counting on future flights with uncles Ray, Dave, Jorge, Reaper & Scrappy. She knows who the tandum guys are, so watch out... If she starts being really nice to you, fetching you beers and stuff, there is a catch.
The excitement of the day is always saved till the end of the day. Bonnie performed some basic manuevers to fullfill her P2 rating. Her 8th flight, 2nd at Kahana and she did one awesome 360 into a mean spiral. She did not look like a rookie - it was perfect. Reaper was on the radio with her all the way and even he was not expecting the air show we got. She landed to high 5's all around.
The excitement continued when the LZ started having funky wind, off shore wind and then even dust devils. I was the only one up of the 3 left with a radio on and was told by Reaper & Alex to head for the shrimp ponds. I was getting ratty air and agreed to go although I had never been on the other side of the play ground. I made it over there and had a good but adventurous landing, with a pick up from Alex with a beer I felt vindicated for my efforts prior to being a "Flying Monkey"
The other two went for the beach LZ. The Maui Maniac had a partial collapse on the way into landing, but our LabRat provided the best display of close saves. According to eye witnesses he came in over the water between the boat ramp and camp site #5. Performed a full stall at around 60', came out of it, turned to the beach and did a kite surfing butt slide on the waves to the beach. There is a video of this that has been posted and Reaper's laugh has never been so hearty.
A perfect day of flying, fun was had by all, great flights, no injuries and a few Torpedos. I am, as should all, honored to be a "Flying Monkey". Lets get out there again soon.
Great write-up Thom. I agree on your side-hill landing - it was very well done. I watched as you made several passes and picked the clearest spot available to put 'er down. Good job!
I have a little footage I'll try to throw together into a video. I got Maui Jon doing a heli and then later a nice SAT. If anyone has pictures of the day, please post 'em to Flickr - I can sprinkle a view in my video.
Thom, that wasn't a frontal nor was it accidental. That was an intentional full stall at 60ft. I know I can do it lower! There's always tomorrow. Good times
Full stalls at 60ft can be fatal!
Going for a Darwin award maybe?
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