This was going to be my first Lanikai flight and Bonker's first too. We all got to the launch and no one was eager to go first. One-Eye Jim called up from the beach with perfect LZ conditions, so visiting pilot Seattle Nick got the ball rolling with an excellent lift off. I was next and with the help of the Reaper had an awesome launch.
Next was Bonkers and then, believe it or not, Night Shift made a pre-dusk appearance, followed by Reaper. We flew for quite some time and I even got a visit from Iwa Bob, Karen got this shot. The winds started to pick up, so Reaper called a landing party.
I had gotten my instructions and thought I had my flight plan, go over the white roofs, go down the beach then turn in and land. Well, I did all that but the turn. When I was reaching the point of turning I thought I was too low to turn right over the water and then in and I knew a turn left would put me a little too close to the houses, so I picked a spot down wind and did a slide into home. The area was not crowded but the wing came down gently on some sunbathers, I apologized and they said no problem, they had never had a parachute land on them before.
I will definitely get it next time. Just can't wait. Let's Go Fly.
Good thing Donna was there to smooth things over with the sand dwellers! Nice recovery Thom.
Nice flying with you guys. Lanikai is a gem right in our backyard, but nobody hardly flies it anymore. Here's some more pic's - http://www.facebook.com/peter.michelmore?ref=nf#/album.php?aid=20743&id=1601222322&ref=mf
Oh, and side hill, ya just needed to turn right into the wind a little higher up and further back. Thats why I had you following the beach all the way to the lz. It's all LZ, ya?
One of the guys here at my fire station was there, he reports a bunch of guys landing easily, and one guy skidding downwind down the beach, through the naupaka. I assume that was you Thom.
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