Thursday, October 22, 2009

Libra Birthday Party

We had a blast! Thank you Jeff for having us at your place. Lots of wine for sure. Everyone brought great food. We all ended up dancing, and even Alex was rocking the dance floor!


Alex said...

It was a great party, thanks to Jeff for the venue and to everyone who made it happen. Not sure how I ended up dancing, must have been the beautiful girls, and maybe the wine had something to do with it too.

Jetflap said...

Thanks to everyone who came and made
it such a great time.


Anonymous said...

It was quite the celebration. Good food, good fun. Thanks Jeff for agreeing to have the party at your uncle's place, soooo beautiful. Thanks Rich for handling the grill. The dancing was the best. Jeannine, next year will be your turn. ginny

Anonymous said...

Yes...thank you again...Jeff for the hospitality...and for everyone making it a FUN night..