Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doggie Style

Sorry, but the title of this post is about as metaphoric as this is going to get. (There's no competing with El Presidente.) My wife Natalie and I are the proud new parents of one of Blanca's pups, Nika. Ray and Noell were sad to see her go, but we hope to bring her back from the mainland with us from time to time.

We recently bought a small place in Kaaawa, just around the corner from Kahana Bay, and have been itching to fly in our new backyard. Since Obama's visit, there has really only been one flyable day here, and unfortunately, it was during the TFR. We did head to the Big Island for a few days and got some thermalling flights in (great to see you and Yolie, Don!) but Kahana has been beckoning.

Today the sky was overcast and the winds dead, so I hiked up Crouching Lion to take in the view it affords over the back into the Kahana Valley. I was surprised to find an onshore wind at elevation and thought maybe we'd at least be able to get a nice hike 'n glide in at Kahana.

Since Ray flies with Blanca, I knew that paragliding was in Nika's genes, so I quickly stumbled back down from Crouching Lion, grabbed Natalie, the pup, and our gliders, and headed up to launch. There wasn't much wind on upper, and what was there was crossing from the north. However, after a few attempts, Natalie took to the air for a super-smooth and buoyant flight to the beach. I quickly brought up the rear…"Doggie style."


Anonymous said...

Nice one, Kalei will be happy that Nika was the first of the 3 in the air.

Alex said...

Thanks for the post, Jayson! What a cute puppy. And thanks for clearing up the mystery of the wings Ray and I saw on launch yesterday as we drove by.

Bon Bon said...

Glad to see another pup in the air - and that someone else enjoys it "doggie style!" hehe... i can't wait to get Kui up there with me!!!! :D

i knew it was you too at Kahana. my boss at the ranch called and asked if it was me! i figured the only other girl would be Natalie.

glad to see you three in the air today at Makapu'u as well. hope Nika gets used to it more! good to teach her young.