Fireman Dave and Jorge are spending the week south of the border playing with the big dogs, including many top US and world comp pilots. The competition runs for a week and the weather appears to be cooperating with nice strong conditions for our boys.
Details and results can be found on the Monarca website. Also, Rob is posting daily reports at the Eagle website. If anyone hears any news of our boys feel free to post it here. Go Dave and Jorge!
Here's another Valle blog from one of our NW pilots.
Go Jorge & Dave Go. looks like they're doing o.k. so far.
Sounds tough like when I was there during the World's. You couldn't get very high, and the thermals were like frisbee's..High pressure, lots of wind, and very bumpy. More like Nanakuli on steroids. Alaska Jack got 4th place.
Alaska Jack Brown is placed second overall after 3 tasks! Go Jack go!
After 3 tasks, Josh is in 3rd. Jorge at 75 and Dave at 120, GO MONKEYS !!!!
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