Monday, February 08, 2010

Light Thermic Circles of Life To Laie

Just the thought of north winds and bay crossings brought Jim out early from work, myself cancelling all my errands for the day, and Scot, Hillbilly, Larry, Maui Doug, Alex and Scrappy all bailing on their lives to chase it to the clouds.

As I arrived, I clambered up the hill to high launch, watching Scot and Alex trying a bay crossing. They made it to and above Crouching Lion for a short stint, but to no avail, and returned too low, with Scott LZing at the fish pond in the lee and Alex making it to the beach.

No sheep in the pasture out in front, and now getting lighter, it was a slow climb up to the back peak as I circled there for what seemed like eternity, between 2K & 2300'. Dropping out of 5 or 6 light thermals until the big one swept me off and up to the heavens!

Once I reached the front of the second ridge downwind, above the bare dirt spot, it was on immediately, as I climbed up and back over Sacred Falls to where I found more thermic relief. Taking a couple pics as I climbed up to 3K and cloudbase over the falls, I now tracked toward Pounders in nice cloud suck.

Now on a comfortable glide I found myself above Pounders at 800', so on I pressed, to Laie Point, and landed in the corner of the point on the beautiful sandy beach. As I was on the bus back to Kahana I radioed up to Scrappy and Alex, as they were finally making it up and out of Kahana. I saw them at cloudbase and on glide also, Alex to Pounders and Scrappy to the same place I landed in Laie.

A quick beer on the beach with Jeannine (my wife), who just returned back from France, and off I went to retrieve the two other lucky souls that got up, up and away on a super light and thermic day. We relaxed back on the beach with the many big fish stories that come from a few brews, hanging out and enjoying the closing of the day. Can't wait till tomorrow - Alex got snowed in and can't work, Scrappy and I will meet him for more... Aloha, Mad Dog


Alex said...

What a crazy day out there. Definitely as thermic a flight as I've had anywhere on the island. I've NEVER worked so hard at Kahana to get up and to stay up, waiting for a thermal to allow me and Scrappy to follow Mad Dog. When it finally came, it was a magical moment, the best of my whole flight: banking up hard in a very strong and narrow column of fast rising air above Puu Piei, turning many circles and climbing quickly, then seeing Scrappy get kicked out prematurely and shrink below me, while I headed directly for the back of Sacred Falls. Scrappy recovered with a low save down in the middle of Punaluu Valley. He circled his way back up and ended up much higher than me, before following Mad Dog all the way to Laie Point, while I was content to boat my way to Pounders.

sandy said...

Nice story MadDog!

In the pics it looks like you have a front-mount reserve. Was front-mount an option (if so, what harness?), or is that an after-market add-on that can go on any harness? How do you like it?


Alex said...

Sandy, Chris is flying Jim's old Apco Chairbag harness these days, but I don't know if it's a front mount; that harness comes in several versions, some with integrated reserve pockets. Maybe Mad Dog or Jim can answer the question...

Mad Dog said...

Sandy I have a Sol front mount reserve container wich has a top zippered compartment cover for the instrument flight deck. You can put this Sol Front Mount Reserve on any harness. I always prefer having my reserve handle in front of me where I can see it & get to it quicker. Got it from Raymar with my Sol Torck 2-3 wich I am in major love with as it flys so solid in turbulance, feels like a 1-2 but performs defenately as 2-3.

Mad Dog said...

Sandy here is the link to Sol Paragliders.

Thom said...

Mad you still like that wing or are the strings still bothering you ? .....apparently NOT !!

Great story hope to get some air with you soon.

MauiDoug said...

Great photos! I love the beach shot with the Koolau's in the background. We truly are living in paradise!

sandy said...

Thanks guys!