Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our newest aerial photographer

After I picked Logan up from school on Thursday, we rushed out to Kahana for our first tandem together, and his first at Kahana. We flew for the last two chilly hours of daylight, along with Doug, Larry, Jim, Andrew, Pete, Bonnie, Bill, Harris, and Big Island John. Logan is taking a photography course in summer school, and he brought my good camera up with us and shot over 200 pictures. Click the thumbnail above to see a few of the shots he took.


Anonymous said...

A monster is born!

Congrats Logan and Alex! I am sure this is the first of many to come.


Flash said...

Great shots Logan! I love the one of Big Island John's illuminated wing! Got to fly near you guys next time you come up.

Thanks for sharing these!

MauiDoug said...

Good eye Logan, you are a natural! Looking forward to flying with you soon!

Much aloha :-)

Puka Wai said...

Congrats on the T3, Alex! And some really great shots by Logan. Bladder Boy has got some real competition there. I've been working nonstop for a month now and am looking forward to a nice relaxing KNA flightwhen I return...