Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Vigil

Easter is a holiday to remember the ascension of a religious leader. We have our own ascension of sorts happening today. Ascension: moving upwards, as in climbing or flying. Religious leader: no one can be more religious about flying than our leader.

Well, to celebrate Easter and the upcoming ascension of our President, at least 3 sites were flown on Easter Sunday. Frank started the day with a flight at Makapuu, but like the Ghost he is, no one knew he was there.

B-Ray and I were at a family gathering on Waimanalo Beach. "Wouldn't it be cool to land right next to the party?" So we did. Short little flight from Juice to Waimanalo Beach. On approach, we could hear Reaper chirping commands to his fledglings as they were towed into the air at Kualoa.

Gavin launched from Juice as we were landing, but was not aware of our flight plan. By the time he got airborne he saw us disappear around the corner. It was getting a little stronger and he decided to stay local with two hangies buzzing him.

Scrappy called and stated that he and Steve, now known as the Flying Phillips Bros., were going to hike Lanikai. They were on standby when they got to launch and found it a little spicy. Apparently that did not last long, when Fireman showed up with Lani to do a tandem. Nightshift must have had his clock screwed up, because he launched way before dusk. It was great to hear your voice in the Hawaiian air again.

While these four flew Lanikai, Maui Doug took a tandem off Juice, followed by Flash, who got really high over our party but decided to inch his way back to the Makapuu LZ.

It was a good Easter Vigil, being able to fly that day and land at the party. The top off was watching my fellow addicts at two different sites while sitting on a beach sipping a sacrificial beverage. Now here's looking forward to our leader's Ascension back to the Heavenly Skies where his flight log will take over for these hen-scratched accounts of our daily adventures.

A prayer before flight:

In the Name of the Father (Francis Rogallo or David Barish),
And of the Sun, may it heat and warm the thermic earth,
And of the Clouds, that will mark my path to a distant land,
Amen, upon a safe landing from another memorable flight.

It's Time to Fly Get Your Gear and Go!!!!!!!!!!!


Alex said...

Thanks for the post, Thom. I assume the third site that you forgot to name was Kahana!

I brought Amelia out to Kahana for some paddling, surfing, swimming and her usual sand diving. She stood up on a surfboard for a little swell ride, her first time, using Reaper's longboard. I look forward to doing that again! I also had fun kiting Scott's glider on the beach, and then I shuttled him over to Kualoa to start his towing. I came back and guys were finally flying, after waiting for the very easterly Easter winds to turn more onshore. Allan sent it to BYU while Gary and Duck stayed local. I picked Allan up from Laie on my way home for Easter dinner. Then while I was enjoying dinner with the family in Punaluu, Duck and Allan ran back up for one more XC dash, with landings in Punaluu and Hauula.

Anonymous said...

Goto and a visiting pilot were the hangies. I was busy with Easter dinner, so Tori launched them.

Thom said...

Alex, I only had here say on Kahana flights no-one logged them in other then the chatter, so I knew someone might pipe in. Hoping for it to be someone that actually flew....ha but today, is it the day??? I will come out anyway even if it's just a celebratory beer of your medical clearance. I think I owe you one from a failed launch check list.

Tim, you got honorable mention at the LZ when Dave Goto said "Tim is indispensable"

Anonymous said...

Really? Then I'm asking for a raise! One bag of peanuts at the LZ just isn't enough!!!

Anonymous said...

It is getting a little culty here. I am starting to feel like Judas!

Fireman DAVE

Thom said...

No Dave if any biblical comparison would have to be made it would be the Prodigal Son. About time you returned to flying, good to hear your voice and Lani too on Easter Sunday.

Gravity said...

Who had the black Ozone wing?

Nice flight Maddog. I knew I should have gotten out there earlier.