Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Double Crossing

I love the challenge of getting up on a light day, and I love the challenge of crossing the bay. Today, Mad Dog and I enjoyed numerous challenges: scratching and groveling in light thermic lift above the Rhino Horn and the Crouching Lion, and making transitions on a day with a super low cloudbase. (On the other hand, I don't think poor Harvey enjoyed the challenge of sinking out and spot landing on a postage stamp of dry sand at the Kahana LZ during high tide.) After climbing between clouds above Kualoa, Mad Dog and I headed out over the vast expanse of Kaneohe Bay for a second bay crossing, aiming for Kahaluu, but settling for Maui Doug's favorite kiting spot in Waiahole instead. It was my first time making the double crossing. What a great trip. I think it's safe to say that Waiahole is the new Kualoa!


Thom said...

short and sweet. Thanks I needed a coffee read this morning. On my 3rd straight day of working on apartment.

I like landing at Maui Doug's Kite spot.

Anonymous said...

harvey needs a glider that is his size and then he might stay up longer.

Alex said...

Right! Or even a glider that isn't so old and tired! And a vario wouldn't hurt either!