This is a rough opening, but I just need to get it out there ASAP so we can order the glasses. Eventually I would like this to be a story on the website with a permanent link that anyone can follow. Hopefully the computer geeks in the club can make it easy. By easy, I mean it has to be easier than the directory that I keep screwing up. Photos will be better, etc. But I whipped this out tonight, and I am sure Alex will tweak the heck out of it.

First, Ginny has tracked down the manufacturer of the HPA official beer glasses that Suicide Pete designed years ago. We have to make a minimum order of 36 pieces, and I will be ordering at least that many for stock, but I would like to know who wants some. The glasses are $5.00 each (beer NOT included). If we order soon we may have them by Christma,s but no promises on that one. The glass has the HPA logo on the front with the islands circling the glass. Several of the prime launches are also labeled.

Shirts: Airbrush Hawaii has the HPA logo and the Hawaii Thermal Research monkey embroidery on file. You can have it added to any of your apparel and I will get pricing on that prior to the meeting. I had some Navy blue shirts done up with the logo on the front and the monkey on the back tag. This is not a cheap way to do it, as the shirts will be $28.00. These prices just barely cover the costs, in case you're interested.
Eventually we will have some more bottle jackets, and Sharky is making up some more decals.

The shirts are in limited supply. I have larges, mediums, and XLarges but not many. If you are interested, e-mail me. We can bring the costs down if you just want the logo or the monkey on the front pocket. The monkey is very intricate and costs a little more to do. I had the monkey put on a hat. I had 'Sidehill' put on the front and the monkey on the back of my flying vest. Again, the costs of these will be better detailed later this week.
Glasses $5.00 each
Embroidered shirts $28.00 each
I need to know by this Thursday, Nov. 7, 2:30 pm, if anyone is interested in glasses. So
e-mail me ASAP and let me know how many you would like to reserve.
Sidehill Thom
Posted last night at 10 pm
got orders for 36 glasses at 5:30 am.
So, I guess we are tired of drinking out of the bottles.
Put me down for 6 glasses and a medium and large collared embroidered HPA shirt
sounds like Thom got another SIDE JOB
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