Tuesday, August 26, 2014

High Spirits under Low Clouds

Low clouds will never dampen our spirits: cross country pilots will just fly lower! Today Woody invited Thom and me to land at Waiahole Wing Wonderland, the new home of students and instructors exiled from the flood-ravaged sands of Kahana. It's always fun to land at the training site! So after a brief and thorough soaking from a wide line of squalls, we took our damp wings to the air. And the air was perfect: strong northerly ridge lift punctuated by very strong thermals.

Finally, after a long chronic scenic detour, looping between farthest Mokolii and deepest Hauula, we jetted over Kaneohe Bay to land on the verdant sward of Waiahole, amid throngs of cheering students. What a spectacular twenty five miles of cloud base circumnavigation! Thanks to student Anne for the prompt ride back to Kahana.

Roll call: Thom, me, Steve, Allegra, AK Chris, Matt, Anne, Ryan, Marc, Ioane, Ian, Bryce, Woody. And possibly others! And we heard Ray over the radio from Makapuu.

Thom's pics:

1 comment:

Thom said...

That was fun. Thanks for all the pics mine are attached below.
