Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Labor Day Crater Play

The official end of summer was marked by unexpected action at one of our wintertime flying sites. Yesterday's veering breeze allowed some folks to bench up at Makapuu and then fly to the Crater for a long thermal session, and a few pilots joined us by launching directly from the Crater.

Eight pilots flew, and many of us circled there for hours in very strong and often broken thermals. At least five pilots got their tickets punched to spiral up high over the back rim. It was super challenging and super fun. And it's always a pleasure to land in one of the biggest and most beautifully populated parks on the island.

Scrappy's pics:


Alex said...

Roll call of pilots present: Jeff, Jim, Frank, Tommy, Erich, Don, June, John, AK Chris, Bavarians Peter and Wolf, Jorge, Alex, Thom, Dave, Claude, Steve, Shawn, Tom Ekman, and others I am surely forgetting. It was great to see so many long lost faces!

Alex said...

And Garrett.