Sunday, November 16, 2014

2014 Final Meeting Minutes

First and foremost, thanks to Pete Michelmore for hosting yet another wild and well attended year end meeting. Thanks to all that showed up, from the hang pilots to the puppies. I'm not saying that is the order from the top to the bottom, or vice versa, but you know I had to get a Goto dig in here somewhere. 2014 was a year in which we celebrated the victories and tried to learn from the woes. I'm looking forward to finishing 2014 with great safe flights and to great flying events in 2015 as well.

We had some very long intros.

Pilots new to the island: Vin Conti (paid), Jonathan Yau, Tom Eckman (paid), Garrett Scott (paid).

New students: Matthew and Anne Martin (paid), already way awesome on the ground handling and airborne soon. Margot Taylor (paid). Finally some more women pilots!

Hang glider pilots: Dave Goto, Randy Eneime (Maui), and Bill Harris with possibly the lowest USHPA number on island, #1117, and paid HPA dues to boot.

First time visitors: Thai Verzole (who we might be stealing from the 49's), Marciele Siliocha (spelling?), Rachelle McEwen (Utah).

Frequent visitors: Laddie Shaw (Alaska), Cade Palmer (Jackson Hole), Becca Bredehoft (Jackson Hole), Tim Lynch and Phil Gillette (Maui), Dusty Miller (Bay Area).

HPA monkeys paid:  Andrew (Flash), Joey Saikin, Mike 5-0, Rich (Sawzall), Gaza, Laurel Swan, Thom (Sidehill), Fireman Dave, Jorge, TommyRD, Alex, Jeff (McStalker), Reaper, John Russell, Sandy June, Kevin Fowler, Allegra Coleman, James Alaggio. (NOT present: Mad Dog Chris Pliska, but his dues were paid by an anonymous donor so he is officially a member of the HPA club!)

HPA monkeys present but not paid: Duck, Harvey, Woody, Scrappy, Tyler.

Collected: $520.00 in dues to be deposited Sunday.

Also Paid Paul (Motorhead) & Maui Doug. Another Deposit today 11/19/2014 $40.00

HPA members not present will be hounded, if not by me, I'll sick JJ Jameson on you.

We were joined by many other family members, friends and puppies too numerous to name. But one special thanks goes to Karen Sawicki, Garrett's much better-looking half, for the cake in the picture. Not sure, but the 'dope on the rope' was eliminated quickly.

The meeting portion was brief, mainly emphasizing everyone to be safe and use good judgement at launches, and aid in keeping our launches running per the mitigation reports on file.

We had elections that maintained the status quo, with Alex Colby, Dave Taratko, John Mallard, Thom Therrien and Jeff McCloud on the board. Pete Michelmore continues his role as instructor advisor to the board. We would like to see everyone make an effort at helping to improve the club so we can all have fun and be safe. Thank you for your support.

We approved a donation to the US Paragliding Team with an amount to be determined by the Board.

We scheduled our highway cleanup tentatively for next Saturday. Be prepared for notification this week.

It's Time to Fly, Get Your Gear and Go!

1 comment:

Thom said...

More Dues Collected

New to area
Bruce Riley Paid
Matt Lawrence Paid