Wednesday, January 07, 2015


To mark the third flying day of the new year, Kahana welcomed twenty one pilots, and while some remained on or near the ground, fifteen of them braved the snow chilled northerly breeze that had obviously blown straight down from Alaska. Yes, it was that cold. I’m pretty sure my sperms are frozen solid. Not that I need those little guys anymore. But after a short hour’s tour of Kaaawa above three grand, I was forced to return for a top crash and dig out my gloves, and to beg for someone to hike up with my extra fleece. Thanks to Reaper for answering the call! After that I could just barely tolerate the wintry chill at altitude. For four more hours.

Many pilots crossed to Kualoa and back, and parts in between. There were nice thermals rising up through that chilly brisk flow, leaning steeply but definitely worth some turns. There were some nice thermals way out over the water too. On these cool north days that always seems to be the case! I topped out at 3,200 feet or so but never came close to the clouds. Also pretty typical for these north days. And there was a chilly gray haze obscuring our visibility. Another north day hallmark.

Thanks to Larry and Pete for the refreshing beverages. I was surprised to receive a disfiguring injury to my nose and occipital ridge while opening one. Lucky I wasn't blinded! I either have to wear safety goggles or just turn away next time!

Nice to be back here after a month off. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait a month for the next good day out here!

Roll call: George, Jonathan, Larry, Marc, Steve Lynch, Steve Wright, Drew, Thom, Reaper, BC Marie, FL John, Carson, Gaza, Allegra, me, Woody, James, Duck, Christina, Matthew, Anne.

Possible Makapuu flyers: FL John, George, Jorge, Doug, Joey, Dave, Frank, TommyRD.

1 comment:

Thom said...

This was going to be my last flight before fasting then another butt scope. I arrived on launch to find Reaper down over the edge of North Launch picking a BC Cherry out of a tree.

I contemplated hiking down and helping but Drew said there's enough people down there get out of here, go fly.

Not wanting to argue with one of the upcoming top guns, I launched picked a cycle that was on the weak side and flew low over the tree crew. I thought I was going to be the next harvest.

Scratching my way up to get into a position to top land was goal, I made that then re-launched with Alegra, her launches are as beautiful as she is. I need more Soar Kahana School.

Finally I was getting up but getting stuck at what my wrist vario stated was 1500' it was most likely more as later on landing at the LZ I was at -225'.

Crossing to Croaching lion thought I was not going to make it arriving at just 800' but very well over the Lion, ok vario has to be off kilter.

Alex waited till I got there. Then after awhile improperly attired for the conditions, I got cold. Alex headed in and I was close behind.

Reaper would not let Marie leave our island without a flight. While we were soaring the other side he made her pick the twigs out of her glider and fly. She got her first Hawaii flight before heading back to the really cold BC Canada. Reaper will never leave a pilot behind, especially if it's a cute Canadian behind.

Is it Time to Fly, God I hope so, Get Your Gear Off Ice and Go!!!