Thursday, December 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Noell for the 40th Time!

Noell called me today. Frantic, she thought Ray had posted up an announcement about her upcoming 4th decade party.  He had not, too busy working,  but he did scratch it into the chat box, where it got buried.  So here it is.

WHAT:  Noell's B-Day party.

WHEN:  December 19, 2015 starting at 6:00pm and ending at 10:00pm

WHERE: 425C Maluniu Kailua, HI park outside the lane, stroll in and Macarena out.

Bring your usual elixir. Major requirement MEXICAN theme attire. Anyone showing up not Mexican will be forced to shoot a tequila and get a Frito Bandito mustache drawn on your face.

OH, ya Ray was busy don't forget so anyone that saw him kite surfing today, shhhhhhhhhh.

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