Saturday October 2, 7pm at 660 Palawiki St., Reaper’s House. We haven’t had a meeting in a while and Reaper offered up his house for the night. We will be going over club issues and news, seeing each other’s face for a change and generally just getting together for a bit. BYOB and maybe bring a pupu. Bring $20 for dues, the club is low on cash.
COVID rules will be in place, Reaper mom is there. Most of the action will be outdoors. Hopefully, everyone is vaccinated by now, but if you are really worried, stay home instead. And really, getting COVID isn’t even in the top three of bad things that can happen to you at Reapers party pad!
Seriously, we hope to see you all next Saturday!
Seems as if we have not paid dues for two years now. If we have been flying both years, are we to pay for both ($40)?????
Sure. Great idea!
Negative test is OK too. Just don't be sick. Donizete Lemos from Brazil will be here at the party with is wife too.
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