(At this point I know you are thinking: into the ocean, hanging from a tree, hanging off a sheer cliff, hanging from a helicopter or just plain bouncing off the road at the Makapu'u LZ.) Well, you are wrong, this is the new and improved Jeff, and he is the master of flying low in the bowl in front of Crazy Man's.
This Friday, September 5th at 4pm, is the first Jetflap Jeff Low In The Bowl Flying Classic.
The format is a precision low flying event, in which the contestant has to knock an empty beer can off of various tall thin bamboo poles loosely erected on the hill side. There are points associated with each can based on difficulty, and if it proves too easy we might have to go for time.
It is a solo event, but anyone who wants to can be flying above, and each contestant will be called in for their solo run.
I would like to get everyone in the air by 4:30, and hitting the course by 5pm. I will brief and dose the lifeguards beforehand in case of any early bombouts.
Everyone is welcome to compete, fun fly or join me "redcupping" and heckling from the guardrail!
It should be a lot of fun, and we are potlucking afterwards, so bring some type of food if you can.
If you are interested in competing, post a comment below.
Fun: lots, prizes: maybe, bragging rights: sure.
Friday, September 5th, 4pm. Pau Hana Potluck to follow!
More info, updates later.
See you there!
Are you going to have EMT's standing by? {:-)
Can we drink the cans of beer we grab as we fly by...?
I'M SO IN... heheehe
No, the Paramedics are down the road in Waimanalo and can get there fast enough.
We kick off the cheap beer cans and drink from brown bottles.
Originally, I was going to have pilots snatch prizes off the poles, but many requests came in for something that allowed one to keep their hands on the brakes.
Reaper, I will accept you as first entrant.
I have had verbal confirmation from guys like Jeff, Frank, Jorge, Scrappy and Alex. I am hoping for a few more interested pilots.
I'd like to join in the fun, but I have to play it by ear... Sometimes I just can't make it due to work, but Fridays usually aren't so bad, so I'm hopeful. I heard that the trades might pick up for the latter part of the week though.
Is Jetflap going to bring any beer?
I wanna! I wanna!
I'm sorely missing the fun and beautiful vista of playing low in the bowl at Makapu'u -- not to mention the great HPA folks to do so with.
Sounds like a great event! Good luck to all of the competitors and fun for all!
We miss you too, Sandy! We have been losing so many great friends and pilots to the mainland lately - Greg, you, Ken, Jetflap, and soon Doug and Suicide Pete. Of course we rarely get organized enough to schedule a sendoff event like this. Thanks to Dave for his creative effort. It'll be interesting to see how this one works out!
I'll see you all there to fly & contribute beer & food. If anyone bails out on Waimanalo beach, stop by me house for a free beer :-)
I took some Pix out there of those who showed up. Here's a few that were JPEG's, will convert some of the RAW format ones later and upload.
Jetflap was in fine form! Musta been humming "low rider" while flying. :P
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