While more sensible pilots were chasing the breeze from Koko Head to Koko Crater, two unrepentant fools tried to sneak in a little airtime at Tantalus in strong easterly conditions. Scrappy let me fly his Sixty-Nine while he flew Dave's old Mantra - thanks again, Scrap! We both soared briefly, but the wind was blowing harder than we liked, and we soon fought our way back down to the lookout. After pulling off an impressively smooth launch, Scrappy came back in to show off a new toplanding maneuver that might become known as the Lawn Mower. (Or maybe Scrappy will become known as the Lawn Mower.)
Looks like my top-"landings" on the southside of the Point of the Mountain (UT) -- only there ain't no grass there, just gravel and hard dirt. So I guess that makes me a gravel-grader. Nice flying guys. Thanks for the vid!
Scrappy, looks like me first top landing attempt when I flew there. Except that I clipped the bushes and more or less tumbled up onto the grass. Yours has much more smoothly slidy sickie style...
Maui Jon
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