Some of us are headed over this weekend to burn the mildew off our wings, and also to see the improvements they've made to the launch since acquiring it for their club. They still don't have an official landing zone, and the preferred unofficial landing zone is a few thermals away from launch. But somehow that little shortcoming has never prevented us from having great flights every time we've gone over there.
So who's available to join us? Fares are low right now, as low as $38 each way. Post a comment here if you're thinking about coming along, and let's gaggle up for a Big Island weekend of fun and flying. We can't let Don have all the fun by himself, can we?
I plan take the first flight over on Saturday morning, and the last one out Sunday night. Or as close to that as I can manage. I'd go Friday morning if I could swing it!
I'm still up in the air for where I'm going to sleep Saturday night and how I'm getting around. I may impose on Don, crashing at his place and hitching a ride with him. But I'd consider pitching in for a rental SUV if we have enough people to make that worthwhile.
So far it looks like a good sized crew is forming: in addition to Don the expatriate, we have Joey, Reaper, me, student Larry, and possibly Rich.
I just booked flights on Mokulele, which Don recommended as a nice carrier. For $99 with all taxes and fees, I am on these flights:
4/4 HNL-KONA #116 8:20-9:03 AM 4D
4/5 KONA-HNL #159 7:45-8:25 PM 4A
I would love to go, but heading to Arizona to see my new grandbaby boy.Have tons of fun, maybe next time. ginny
Talk about irony...I was planning a trip over to Oahu with the hope of flying there and it turns out you're all coming to the Big I for the weekend. I'd offer my place as a crash pad, but I'm not gunna be home. Tell me, is it even worth bringing my wing? Erik
I am also coming over from Maui and was hoping to ridge soar, I will be there for a week or so doing a remodel job. Hopefully there will be a break in the wind eh.
Big Island trip roster so far: Joey, me, Scrappy, Reaper, Berndt, Jeff (Sat only), plus Larry & possibly other students. Ah Paradise B&B rooms available Sat nite at $50 per person.
Big Island Erik and Maui Bryan, sorry about the nuking trade winds - maybe you can bring over some good karma from your islands to calm things down a bit on Oahu.
Bryan, Erik - bring your kite surfing gear instead...
Big isle guys, if you need your ratings updated for Tandem etc. Let me know, I'll bring the paperwork...?
Got a reservation on Mokulele
4/4 HNL-KONA #116 8:20-9:03 AM 5A
4/5 KONA-HNL #159 7:45-8:25 PM 6C
For just $2000, we could could buy out the whole plane! Looking forward to the BI, I'll be breaking my BI cherry on this trip. Don, Joey, look what you started!
Who's this guy Don that started all this anyways??? Sounds like this character named Don that used to fly around here, but it can't be him since I distinctly recall hearing him say he was going to the Big Island TO GET SOME WORK DONE!
Just bought my ticket (only $68.20 rondtrip on Hawaiian). I'll be arriving about 15 minutes after Alex - at 9:20am. Don't leave without me!! :)
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