When quitting time finally rolled around I took a straight line towards Makapu'u, arriving at the lookout just in time to bid Alex farewell. Jorge was long gone downrange, and reportedly looking for a ride back from Hygienic store.
Rich and I made our way down to Crazy Man's launch in time to catch Reaper demonstrating some rather interesting take-off techniques, and finally pulling it off on his third try, which needless to say made me a bit nervous since he's usually pretty good at kiting on launch.
I got off o.k., not one of my prettiest launches, but not my worst either. Rich called on the radio to tell me I had a passenger (stick) but it didn't look like it was doing much, so I left it there to tag along for the ride. Joey got off shortly, and by his recollection had his best take-off ever. Rich, Frank, and Ginny made their appearances and all launched over the next couple hours. Bonnie came in for the late shift after I had already landed.
Great sentiments Jim...We are definitely in a league of our own being Hawaii pilots. I love it!!! Thanks for your article :)
Jim, I would have never taken up this sport if it weren't for Don and meeting the rest of the barrel of monkeys. We have a great thing going here and every visiting pilot cant get over the hospitality they receive or the down right closeness of this group.
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