Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Once in a while the flying conditions remind me why I love this sport. Today was one of those days. It started as one of those miserable work days. I was in a bad mood and the day was crawling by. I tried hard to stay away from the chatterbox or Wind Lines site because I thought that would just make it worse.

When quitting time finally rolled around I took a straight line towards Makapu'u, arriving at the lookout just in time to bid Alex farewell. Jorge was long gone downrange, and reportedly looking for a ride back from Hygienic store.

Rich and I made our way down to Crazy Man's launch in time to catch Reaper demonstrating some rather interesting take-off techniques, and finally pulling it off on his third try, which needless to say made me a bit nervous since he's usually pretty good at kiting on launch.

I got off o.k., not one of my prettiest launches, but not my worst either. Rich called on the radio to tell me I had a passenger (stick) but it didn't look like it was doing much, so I left it there to tag along for the ride. Joey got off shortly, and by his recollection had his best take-off ever. Rich, Frank, and Ginny made their appearances and all launched over the next couple hours. Bonnie came in for the late shift after I had already landed.

Back to the title: once we made it over to the north end of the ridge, I finally saw just what an amazing clear day it was. Maui, Molokai, and Lanai were showing themselves off in the distance with very few clouds topping Haleakala. WOW. I became immediately aware of how lucky we are to be flying in such an unbelievably beautiful place, with so many great people to keep us company. It was clear to me that even on my worst days, flying helps me regain my center and keeps me in wonder - what a gift. Thanks to all of you for being part of my flying ohana.


Joey said...

Great sentiments Jim...We are definitely in a league of our own being Hawaii pilots. I love it!!! Thanks for your article :)

Thom said...

Jim, I would have never taken up this sport if it weren't for Don and meeting the rest of the barrel of monkeys. We have a great thing going here and every visiting pilot cant get over the hospitality they receive or the down right closeness of this group.