Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I often can't fly the late shift because I have to pick up the kids, or make dinner for the family. Other times, I just can't make myself wait that long, or my flying buddies only have an early window, so I do my flying earlier. But on the rare days when I find myself flying in the late afternoon, I am always amazed by the show the sun puts on, every time. Today's show was ridiculously beautiful and breathtaking. Maui Doug flew with me in the sunbeams above Kaaawa, and there were a couple of moments where I wondered if I wasn't flying with Jesus. I'm pretty sure I heard angels singing!

I got a surprise reprieve on the kid pickup today. But I had a lot of work to get done, and the wind was blowing pretty hard at Kahana most of the day. Earlier, I had spotted Scot and visitor Casey from my window, flying their small wings above the rhino horn in the strong conditions. But the wind finally abated around 4 pm, and I met Doug, Gaza, Five-0 Mike and Chili out there for the late shift. Bonnie joined us a bit later. And we heard Frank on the radio from Makapuu. I guess the late shift was working all over the island!

I crossed the bay for a quick tour of Kualoa, and then returned to Kaaawa to wait for company. Doug and Gaza joined me, and Doug ended up landing at Kualoa, while Gaza and I came back to land at the LZ. Thanks to Duck for retrieving Doug, and for bringing us pizza and grape juice. And thanks to Five-0 Mike for the cold refreshments.


Thom said...

Another great Log Entry, don't you have any other friends that can write........DAVE !!!! still waiting for the Utah story. Ike can't type so I used to have to write his stories. Come over and use my computer to get that one up and rolling.

2 cups of coffee today have been well enjoyed.

Thanks Alex.

MauiDoug said...

Awesome sun beams Alex great camera work! Thanks for the motivation text, what a great flying window. Thanks again Duck for the retrieve, pizza and checking out the settings on my B1, you are da man :-)