Tuesday, May 01, 2012

3rd Annual Bob Johnson B-Day Party & Flying Festival

All pilots far and wide: just a couple more weeks until the THIRD ANNUAL BOB JOHNSON BIRTHDAY PARTY AND FLYING FESTIVAL! We’ve already had a post to get the event planning going (by our cover shot model, Sidehill), but with unusually motivated afternoon momentum, Ginny, Gaza and I decided to help with the event organization.

There are many dedicated pilots putting their efforts towards this event and we thought it might be helpful to have one page where everything is spelled out clearly. So, I have put together a list below with the different things that need doing for the event day. The hope is that a clear list will help people know what they can contribute and when, so we are spreading the load out over more folks and making sure all bases are covered.

First and foremost – Food. We flying monkeys have a great track record for having epic feasts, but we are always relying on the amazing efforts of a few fantabulous chefs. Since this is a full weekend affair, we were thinking that anyone attending could sign-up as a contributor to one of the meals of the weekend. That way the deliciousness could be spread more evenly over the course of the event. Of course, everyone would still be responsible for their own food, but would agree to prepare one dish for the larger feast for whatever meals they sign up for. Signing up would not mean that you are responsible for the whole meal - just that you would bring a dish for that meal.  It might also be helpful to say what you are bringing, or a category (meat, salad, dessert, etc.).  Listed below are the meals for the weekend. Let us know if you are willing to bring a dish for one or more of the meals and I will write your name so everyone can see which meals need help. There was also a brief discussion of theme nights for the dinner meals. Thoughts?

Secondly - Games / Competition. There has been some discussion of organizing entertainment for the annual Bob Johnson Fly-in and so here is a chance to voice your ideas and get people excited about helping or participating. I know Ginny was trying to rope Fireman Dave into heading this up. Was she successful? Other question: should we have prizes or awards of some kind?

The other categories we have included are more for camping infrastructure: Campsites, Gear and Auxiliary supplies, such as plates/cups/paper towels, etc. This is perhaps less fun to think about, but equally as necessary. Let us know if you are planning on bringing anything in this area.

Finally – and the one everyone should reply about – an Attendee List. Let us know if you are definitely or tentatively coming so that we can have a semi-accurate head count. One of Bob’s good friends, Camille, has graciously offered to supply a meal for the event from her delicious food truck, Camille’s on Wheels, and would like an estimate of the people attending.

Please reply with comments and feedback as to what you might be able to help with, and we will update the list as we hear from all of you. Hopefully, this is a way to get a conversation started – so let us know what you are thinking! Ultimately we hope this helps us have a fully charged and epic weekend of flying fun in celebration of one of our favorite monkeys.

Friday Dinner: Reaper - Ribs, Chicken, Slaw, and Beans; Sharky - dessert; Thom - Salad; Stalker: Hoity Toity Sausages; Ces - Beef Stew & Rice;
Saturday Breakfast: Ka'a'awa Larry - Donuts; Ces - Fried Rice, Eggs & Sausage, Rich - Ham
Saturday Lunch: Camille’s on Wheels - Recommended $10/person tip
Saturday Dinner (Mexican): Gaza/Laurel- Enchiladas; Stalker - Carne Asada & Ceviche; Thom -Chili & Rice; Duck - Pork Butt; Ces - Italian Sausage Soup; Ginny - Pineapple salsa/chips, cilantro/jalapenos/onions, corn tortillas; Kahuku corn?!; Rich - Re-fried beans, Cheese, Tortillas
Sunday Breakfast: Gaza/Laurel - Coffee, Eggs/Bacon/Potatoes; Ginny - Bacon/Eggs (we're prepared for those hangovers ;) )
Sunday Lunch:Sandy - Sandwiches; Ginny - Chili

LZ Spot Landing: Hit a target with your landing - Thom has slippa's rug, Stalker bringing target?
Bomb Drop: Try to drop little bags of flour into a basket on the beach
Bacci : Thom
Flower Drop
Catch the Ring
Vball? Who has a net?

Small XC on Sunday 
Most times up the hill: For the dedicated hiker

Longest Flight: For the pilot with the strongest bladder
Bitchinest acro: For the loco pilot

20'x30' tent: 5-0 Mike
Grills: Ginny, Reaper
2/3 Propane Stove and propane tank: 5-0 Mike
Plates/bowls/utensils/Paper Towels/Charcoal: Dave Z
10'x20' ez corner tent: Thom
2 Tables: Thom
1 Table: 5-0 Mike
Lanterns: 5-0 Mike
Coolers: Thom, Gaza/Laurel
Kayak: Thom, Reaper
Stand-up boards: Reaper
Hammock: Reaper
Hot water shower unit: Thom via One-Eye

CAMPSITES: (Don't worry if you don't have a campsite, we'll be camping all over!)
Sharky #8
Alex #1
Dave Z #6
Sidehill #5 Till Monday
Stalker #9
Kevin #2
Duck #4
Sandy #3
Joey #7

Attending: Current total: 37 Adults, 8 Kids, 4 Dogs

Reaper, Annette, Tyler, Kui, Sharky, Alex, Dave Z + 5, Sidehill, Donna, Maile, Kalei, Mochi, Stalker, Kevin, Duck, Sandy, Joey, Gaza, Laurel, Ginny, 5-0 Mike +2, Ces, Ray, Noelle, Liliana, Blanca, Ernie, Chelsea, Kea, Ka'a'awa Larry, Bon Bon, Tim from Maui, Fireman Dave (Saturday afternoon), Tommy RD, Maui Doug and Shelly (Saturday), Duck, Ginger, Will, Rich, Clifford (Saturday morning)


Thom said...

Thanks for doing this you monkeys.

I will be bringing my 10'x 20' ez corner tent. 2 tables. large cooler.kayaks. Bacci balls. etc.

I have the big pair of 'slippa's rug' for the spot landing target on the LZ. I think Stalker has the target?.

We will have several outer island visitors as well. I believe there is a bunch coming from Maui and Big Island hopefully they will chirp in here as well.

Thanks again Swan, Gaza & Ginny for lighting this fire. Every Year it seems to get bigger......I wonder why, thanks Bob!!!!

Thom said...

We have all the campsites, except for #10. All are welcome to come and set up camp, don't worry if your name is not on the campsite we listed a bunch of monkeys on each of our permits and they seldom come checking. Oh and you don't have to be monkey either all friends of Bob and would have been friends of Bob are welcome to camp.


DaveZ said...

You guys are the best.
As for head count I'll have total 4 adults 2 kids.

I'lm not great with meals, but I can take care of:
Plates/bowls/utensils/Paper Towels/charcoal

Looking forward to it!

Brazilian Ray said...

I'm in with Noell, Liliana and Blanca. possibly with Ernie, Chelsea and Kea as well. that would make for 3 adults, 1 baby, 1kid and 2 doggies ;)
I hope the weather will help us out to make saturday the main event day, with flower drop and other activities... for the bomb drop, last year we used a basket at launch as a target and it worked well. if the beach is empty, we can "close off" a section for the target so expectations can see it better...

Camille on Wheels truck is da bomb! you can check her page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Camilles-on-Wheels/170997429602323 if the link doesn't work, just search for it. I think having the lunch catered on saturday will allow to fly and not worry about spending time on the grill. because she cannot charge for food there, it is recommend to give her a TIP, some $10 per person to cover her costs and for you to eat good ;)

Brazilian Ray

Gravity said...

Reaper and family will be attending. 2 Adults & teenager plus grandma Kui.

I can BBQ up a good dinner on Friday nite. I will bring ribs, chicken, slaw, and beans...

Also, I have big tent, grill, and BBQ,tandem kayak, stand-up boards, hammock...

Anyone have a Vball net?

We need a catch the ring event too!

Ka'a'awa Larry said...

It'll just be me for the Sat. lunch truck but sign me up for two dozen donuts for Sat. breakfast.

(This is getting W-A-Y too organized)

Anonymous said...

5-0 Mike, add my daughter and son in law (They are veterans in setting up the 20x30)I'll also bring a 2/3 burner propane stove along with propane tank. Table, lanterns.

firedave2 said...

Unfortunately, I am unable to get off from the fire station on Saturday. I have arranged to have one of the guys cover for me in the afternoon, so I will be around for part of Saturdays festivites, flower drop, etc.

I will be out on Friday, as well as Sunday.

In previous years, there hasn't been much interest in some sort of small XC competition, being that there is so much going on on Saturday. We were thinking of making a weather appropriate XC race on Sunday, hangovers and all.

During our earliest fly-ins, the XC race was always a blast, easy enough so everyone can compete, but just challenging enough to guarantee fun. We will throw in a couple of waypoints and maybe a prize or two.


Waianae Jim said...

I'm off to the east coast this afternoon, so I'll have to experience it vicariously on the net. Hope you all have some great flights for the fly in.

Bon Bon said...

I'll def be there Sat and Sun. Let me know if i can do anything to help. Great job with organizing!

Ka'a'awa Larry said...

I will also have a couple of special items for just after sunset on Saturday evening. Don't know if they will outdo the gigantic moon that night but we'll see. What fun!!!

firedave2 said...

Larry: the full moon is this weekend, the Bob-a-Thon is next weekend. The moon won't be up until midnight.


Sharky said...

I'll be there from Friday. I can bring a couple of pies for desert on Friday night to go with Reapers Feast...willing to help with cooking and other duties as well!

=-) Sharky

Anonymous said...


Any thoughts on making Saturday night: mexican food? Gary and Laurel are bringing enchalidas

Stalker said...

I'm not the organized type, but I'll try to contribute something for a couple of meals. Mexican is right up my alley, so I'm sure I can do something with that!

P.S. - I don't have a truck anymore, so I can't bring any grills. I'll barely be able to bring our camping stuff.


Thom said...

@Jeff think we got grills but your talent on them will be appreciated.

Ginny, Gaza, Laurel, Reaper thanks for getting Fri. Sat dinners going.

Ginny we will bring a big pot of chili & Rice for Sat. Nite. Will bring a salads for Friday nite to help push all the meat through.

Lets figure out something for Sunday, possibly a hangover stew of some sorts.

This is getting better organ. every year. Thanks to the gang that have really stepped it up.

Thom said...


Thanks to One-Eye who let me borrow the hot water unit so we will have hot water showers at the "Kahana Hilton".

Stalker said...

Thanks Thom! Oh yeah - also bringing some of those Guy Fieri hoity-toity sausages for someone's grill. I've been stockpiling them when Safeway has them for half price.

For Mexican night, I'll probably do a carne asada, shredded beef, or carnitas, and a ceviche for Woody. Feliz Cinco de Mayo, BTW!

Will said...

I'm in! This sounds like a super fun event...What can I do to help?


Anonymous said...

The Sheriff is back in town. She related she’ll contribute the following.
Friday dinner Beef Stew & Rice
Saturday breakfast Fried rice. Eggs & sausage
Saturday Dinner Italian Sausage Soup
5-0 Mike

Anonymous said...


I will make some pineapple salsa/chips for Saturday night. I will also bring some cilantro/jalapeno's/onions for Duck who is cooking up some pork. I will also bring some corn tortillas.

I will bring bacon/eggs for Sunday morning.

We will still require someone to do something for Sunday Lunch.

Brazilian Ray said...

hoping for good weather! the FX looks good!

sandy said...

Some remembrances

I'll bring some sandwich fixins for Sunday, unless somebody has a better idea.

Stalker said...

Hey - another easy/cheap idea for Saturday night, if anyone's interested...? If we get some Kahuku corn from up the street, we can do Mexican grilled corn - slathered in mayo, lime, chili pepper, and cotija cheese! ..drool..

Rich. said...

I expect to arrive early Saturday & stay the 1 night. Bringing Small Gas Grill, Ham for Breakfasts, Homemade Refried Beans, Cheese, Tortillas. Will help with cooking etc.

Anonymous said...


I made a pot of chili' to go with the sandwiches.


Anonymous said...

Hi all,

While I am not flying these days I am hoping to make it out on Sat morn for at least the HPA quarterly meeting. Is it still planned/scheduled for 10:00 am? I will bring some food/beer.
