Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Makapuu Park Cleanup, Sat. July 7, 9AM-12PM

Dave Goto and the hang glider pilots are asking for our help Saturday morning, to join them for a community effort to clean up the Kaupo Park area, which includes the Makapuu LZ (Baby Makapuu/Cockroach Bay). This is another great chance to demonstrate our community involvement and environmental focus. Maybe we can eat lunch at Serge's Mexican place afterward, and then fly, either at Makapuu or Kahana depending on weather or preference. See you Saturday morning!

1 comment:

Thom said...

I will be camping at Kahana this weekend but will be glad to tag along, with either Alex, Duck or Woody from there to MPU, do a clean up then come back to camp site.

Try to wear HPA shirts!
