Friday, April 25, 2014

Cross Country Dreams

On Wednesday we got the modest window of flyability we had been promised. Even though the forecasters reneged and changed their prediction to 10-25 at the last minute, it didn't get quite that strong at Kahana. Let's just say it was on the crazy side of good. It was certainly a challenge to head upwind, but on the third bay crossing attempt, my dreams of a first cross country flight on my new ship were realized: a slow crawl to Kualoa and a rocket ride back, on a blustery and beautiful day. Thanks to Thom, Doug and Brian for joining me out there! Here's to more cross country dreams coming true soon for all of us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great fun...still waiting to fly here...but plenty of awesomeness to be had....miss da islands and luv staying posted up...:)