Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Vote for Pete!

I am proud to announce that our own Pete "Reaper" Michelmore is running to represent us as a Region 3 USHPA Director. The election opened Saturday and will remain open until December 15. All active USHPA members should be receiving a letter with a password in order to vote online. Please take the time to vote! USHPA is your organization. It works best when we all participate in the election process. If you didn't receive the letter with the password please contact the USHPA office.


Alex said...

I endorse Pete's candidacy wholeheartedly. We've never had a Regional Director from Hawaii before, but Pete is just the guy to pioneer that notion. Since we met fifteen years ago he has built up a long record of service to our club and to the whole US flying community, and I know he will represent us well as Regional Director.

Anonymous said...

that was easy ike

tomekmankiwi said...

Thanks for your dedicated support of the sport, Pete. I think USHPA will benefit greatly from your experience and vision.