Sunday, September 18, 2011

100% Humidity

A dozen pilots sampled the squall-soaked conditions at Kahana today, and thanks to the sacrifices of a few selfless and thirsty souls at the LZ, the rest of us on the hill scored a sweet window of airtime after the squalls tapered off. On my second attempt, I finally made the easterly bay crossing I've been dreaming about, starting at around 2,500 feet above Puu Piei and taking a pretty direct line across, while the sensor maintained a classic ENE reading. I am finally convinced that the bay crossing rules have indeed changed. Bonnie flew the last flight of the day under her pretty new wing.

Roll call: Five-0 Mike, Bradley, Scooter, Duck, Gaza, Bonnie, Jeff, Woody, Thom, JK, Scot, me. Thanks to Gaza for the beverages. Thanks to Duck for planting the seed about the rule changing. Thanks to JK for the push to get high and go somewhere.


Thom said...

I hiked up North due to the direction at the time, which held even after the rain. Scott hiked up North with his little wing due to the cranking conditions prior to the rain, but left be alone on Norht when he launched right before the rain and top landed on East with all the other Monkeys.

When the rain subsided we all flew. Today was a school day I am trying to get better wing control so I stayed local without even attempting a cross.

JK said...

That's right, Alex. I PUSHED you across the bay. At least that's how it seemed. I was 200 feet below and just behind when we set off from max altitude. You seemed to maintain your altitude, surging ahead, as I lagged and sank below you in the Aerodyne Dune. It was a good gauge between unmatched wings and pods (and probably pilots).

I noticed you didn't look back. I'm not surprised. You knew I wouldn't be with you for long. But you didn't know by Duck's radio call, urging me to turn back at 1500 feet, half-way across the bay. You knew before we left.

But don't worry, Alex. I am not demoralized. I was happy to be confined to the bay that day. I was happy in learning what I should already have known; that judging a successful bay crossing using the King of Kahana's success is invalid. From now on, I'm going to keep my eye on the Iwa birds.